
We’re honored to see Simply Secure included in the Design in Tech Report 2017. I’ve learned a lot from previous versions of the reports, which describe design trends from a business ecosystem perspective. I wrote up highlights from the 2016 Report, and it’s exciting to see how far the industry has come in a year.

John Maeda presented this year’s report on trends in design and business at the SXSW festival. Simply Secure is mentioned at 56:00 of the video.

John Maeda presenting the Design In Tech Report 2017 at SXSW.

Making Progress

We still have lots of hard work ahead of us to reach the vision I described last year of Silicon Valley shifting focus away from customer data as a commodity and toward user privacy as a core value proposition, but I’m glad to see this attention on security. Designers are urgently needed to help build products and services people trust. And there are clear connections between security and several of the other trends highlighted in the 2017 Design in Tech Report including inclusive design and voice- and chat-based interfaces.

Start Here

If you’re new to security, and want to start by improving your digital footprint, start by reading our Four Concrete Security Tips, or Securing Your Digital Life Like a Normal Person by Martin Shelton. Designers getting started with security challenges can also check out How to Fight Phishing: Security for Designers.

Let’s Keep This Going

Simply Secure has a public Slack channel for discussing issues related to user experience, security, privacy, and design. Email [email protected] for an invitation.

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