
We rely on your support to sustain our impact.

Support at any level enables us to build and connect our community, promote leaderships through fellowships and sponsorships, and develop resources for the community at large.

We currently accept donations by PayPal, Wise, Open Collective, and via checks drawn on US dollars. We are a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit, so donations are tax-deductible in the United States.

Financial transparency

Superbloom is supported through individual donations, collaborative projects, event sponsorships, grants and awards from an array of nonprofit and corporate organizations in the U.S. and Europe. We strive for transparency and independence in all of our financial relationships. To ensure independence and integrity, we ask ourselves the following before applying to a project, accepting an invitation to collaborate on a project, or accepting a grant award or donation:

  • Are the organization’s intentions transparent and do they align with our core values?
  • Is the program or project beneficial to the communities it’s intended to serve? Are those communities involved in the work itself?
  • Does this project or program have proper processes and safeguards in place to ensure it will not do harm in the form of mishandling data, dark patterns, or targeting vulnerable populations?
  • Will the project further our overall mission?

Finally, we accept support contingent upon the following non-negotiables:

  • Superbloom does not accept funding that places our team, partners, community members, or mission at risk.
  • Superbloom does not accept funding that compromises our relationships with partners, community members, stakeholders, or networks.
  • Superbloom does not accept funding that compromises our organizational independence, including funding that may influence programmatic priorities.
  • Superbloom does not accept funding that poses a risk to our reputation. This statement was adapted under CC-BY license from Access Now.


  • 3x3 Design
  • Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
  • Arebyte Gallery
  • Aspiration Technology
  • Atlantic Council of the United States
  • Calyx Institute
  • Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
  • Code for Science and Society
  • Common Knowledge
  • Consumer Reports
  • Interaction Design Association
  • Internews Network
  • LAFT
  • Least Authority GmbH
  • Luminate Projects / Reset Tech
  • Marigold Strategies
  • National Endowment for Democracy
  • Newkinco
  • Northumbria University
  • Okthanks
  • Open Collective Foundation
  • Open Technology Fund
  • Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty
  • Reset Tech
  • Software Acumen Limited
  • TechCongress
  • The Future Laboratory
  • Tides Foundation
  • University of Berkeley
  • University of Omaha
  • University of Vermont
  • Webrecorder Software
  • World Wide Web Foundation


  • Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
  • Amnesty International
  • Aspiration Technology
  • Code for Science and Society
  • Coil Technology
  • Common Knowledge
  • Consumer Reports
  • Furtherfield
  • Interaction Design
  • International Women’s Media Foundation
  • Internews Network
  • LEAP
  • Least Authority
  • Luminate Projects / Reset Tech
  • Mozilla Corporation
  • Mozilla Foundation
  • National Endowment for Democracy
  • New Venture Fund
  • Omidyar Network India Advisors Private Ltd
  • Open Source Collective: Digital Infrastructure Fund
  • Open Source Collective: Samsung NEXT
  • Open Tech Fund
  • PEN America
  • Prototype Fund
  • Python Software Foundation
  • Public Office
  • Radicle Foundation
  • Reset Tech
  • TechCongress
  • The Future Laboratory
  • Tides Foundation
  • University of Dundee
  • University of Omaha
  • Webrecorder Software Foundation
  • Wicked Co-op


  • Amnesty International
  • Aspiration Technology / Reset Tech
  • CoBox Cloud Cooperative
  • Code for Science and Society
  • Coil Technology
  • Furtherfield
  • Interaction Design Association
  • Internews Network
  • Luminate Projects / Reset Tech
  • Mozilla Corporation
  • National Endowment for Democracy
  • New American Foundation
  • Northumbria University
  • Open Tech Fund
  • Prototype Fund
  • Python Software Foundation
  • Samsung Next
  • University of Amsterdam


  • Adobe
  • Amatus GMBH
  • Betterplace Lab
  • Center for Tech Cultivation
  • Code for Science & Society
  • Front Conference
  • HRX Veranstaltungen GmbH
  • Medieninnovationszentrum Babelsberg
  • Mozilla
  • Omidyar Network
  • Open Tech Fund
  • Prototype Fund
  • Ruhr University


  • Adobe
  • A-F Digital Solutions
  • Betterplace Lab
  • Biz to Buttons
  • Cerner Corporation
  • Clearleft
  • Ford Foundation
  • Internet Society
  • Internews
  • Invoice2Go
  • Omidyar Network
  • Open Technology Fund
  • Prototype Fund
  • SamsungNext
  • HERE Deutschland


  • Ford Foundation
  • Least Authority
  • Mozilla
  • OTF
  • Peerio
  • Prototype Fund


  • CFR
  • DeepMind Tech
  • Google
  • OTF


  • Dropbox
  • Google