
Join Our Slack Community

Superbloom hosts a Slack community that’s 800+ strong, consisting of designers, technologists, researchers, funders, and more. The goal of this space is to share knowledge about human centered design, usability, security, and promote opportunities from RFPs to job postings. It’s a place for the community to gather (virtually), meet each other, and collaborate.

Interested in joining? Send us an email.

You can find the Superbloom team sharing our work wherever an open minded community gathers, whether they are ethical technologists, usability designers, open source developers, public interest tech funders, or tech policy researchers. We uplift our partners and peer organizations by sharing their events and programming.

DWeb Camp

A space for a globally diverse community of builders and dreamers to gather in nature to tackle the real world challenges facing the web and to co-create the decentralized technologies of the future.
superbloom asterisk

Event: UX in a High-Risk World

As you know, building great software depends on a deep knowledge of users. If you're working on a project targeted at people who operate in high-risk situations, such as activists and journalists, it can be hard to get the quality insight you need to …


Conference for Open Source Coders, Users & Promoters