
Ngọc Triệu

Design Researcher she/her

Ngọc Triệu

Ngọc practices design as an intervention to address and reform asymmetrical power relations. As a design researcher at Simply Secure, she imagines the future(s) of the world(s) through lenses such as decoloniality and decentralization. Ngọc is passionate about user advocacy, co-creation, and equal access to knowledges(s). Whether she is distilling data into insights that inform design decisions or conceptualizing information architecture, Ngọc works closely with designers, developers, and funders to ensure accessibility and security for vulnerable communities.

Before joining Simply Secure, Ngọc has lived in Vietnam, Japan, the UK, and Germany where she has worked in international development and humanitarian aid, pedagogical design, documentary photography, and film-making. When Ngọc isn’t busy identifying design research gaps and mapping solutions, she enjoys doing Kendo (Japanese sword-fighting) and roaming the forest.

ngoc's recent work

Launching USER: Findings and Recommendations for Scientific and Research Open Source

Usable Software Ecosystem Research (USER) is a Sloan Foundation-supported research initiative that explores how open source scientific and research software (SROSS) teams understand, consider, and undertake usability and design opportunities in their projects. To read more about this project please check out Blog #1, Blog #2, our project website, and open repo.