Saptak S
Coach * he/him

Saptak S. is a human rights centered web developer, focusing on usability, security, privacy and accessibility topics in web development. He works as a web development contractor. He is a contributor and maintainer of various different open source projects like The A11Y Project, OnionShare and Wagtail. He is part of the Open Source Design core team. He is also the author of the Security and Accessibility chapter of Web Almanac 2022.
To schedule a coaching session with Saptak S please send an email to [email protected].
saptak's recent work
182 Days To Create A Prototype
They have an idea. They have programming skills. And now they have 182 days to create a prototype. This is the Prototype Fund, a German government program to support open-source projects. Superbloom has been providing support for the teams on “everything but code” since 2018 – from UX design to fundraising and everything in between. This blog post is for Prototype Fund teams, and really, it’s for anyone hoping to do a lot on a development project in a short time. Here’s how you make the most of 182 days!