
Molly Clare Wilson

Senior Designer & Researcher * she/her/hers

Molly Clare Wilson

Molly’s favorite part of being a designer is helping others learn. She makes the language and practice of design into something accessible and meaningful to a wide variety of collaborators. Her background is in human-centered design, strongly influenced by her time creating and leading programs at the Stanford in Palo Alto, CA and later at the Hasso-Plattner-Institut School of Design Thinking in Potsdam, Germany.

As an interaction designer in industry, she’s worked on complex products in finance, health, and education. Since joining Superbloom in 2018, she has focused on security usability; designing to counteract harm and abuse; framing responsible, respectful design processes and practices; and using co-design to rebalance power dynamics.

To schedule a coaching session with Molly Clare Wilson please send an email to [email protected].

molly's recent work

superbloom asterisk

Personas Non Grata

These ten “personas non grata” are people you probably don’t want in your product or service, but who are likely to find their way in anyway. If you’re on mobile, the Personas Non Grata mobile app includes news stories that show what these characters …