
What do you see here?
What can you do here?
What do you think is going on here?
What do you think that does?
Why do you think that’s there?

Feelings What’s your opinion of ___ ?
What do you think of ___ ?
Why do you say that?

What do you think will happen next?
What do you want to do next?

Keeping it moving
What are you wondering?
What are you looking for?
Is there a particular word you’re looking for?
What would you do to figure this out if I weren’t here?

Are you saying that ___ ?
I think I heard you say ____. Does that capture it?
Is it fair to say that ___ ?
Is it accurate that ___ ?

How was that experience overall?
Anything confusing? Anything difficult?
Anything missing?
How was that compared to your expectations?
What would you change?

By Molly Wilson, 2015. Thanks to Mia O’Neill, Julie Stanford, Kim Ladin, and Jenny Mailhot.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.