Eileen Wagner
UX Researcher & Designer Program Director * she/her

A logician by training, Eileen has a keen eye for structure and detail. Making sense of complex technologies is her bread and butter. As a designer, she focuses on information architecture, content strategy, and interaction design.
She loves supporting teams and organizations in UX design, and aspires to make her solutions more available to the public. To that end, she founded the project Decentralization Off The Shelf, a pattern library for decentralized technologies. She previously campaigned for public interest technology at the Open Knowledge Foundation Germany. There she helped establish the Prototype Fund, the first public funding program for open source projects in Germany.
When she’s not buried in sticky notes, Eileen enjoys singing and arranging barbershop music.
eileen's recent work
Decentralization, Off the Shelf
Refresh: Community-Led Identity Change
Web Monetization: A Report on Barriers to Adoption