
It’s always great to attend security and privacy conferences in person. But in cases where you have to miss an event, online videos of the talks can be a great way to stay current with the ongoing conversation.

Art, Design, and The Future of Privacy

As I promised back in September, the videos of the event we co-hosted with DIS Magazine at Pioneer Works are available online. The DIS blog had a great writeup with summaries of the different panels, and you can find transcripts over at Open Transcripts. I had a great time participating and came away with some great perspectives.

Two of my favorite sessions were Sarah Ball talking about unique perspective from her work as a prison librarian and our advisor Cory Doctorow’s barn-burning sendoff at the end.

Art, Design, and The Future of Privacy - Ask a Prison Librarian about privacy, technology, and state control from Matthew Joseff on Vimeo.

Art, Design, and The Future of Privacy - Where to from here? from Matthew Joseff on Vimeo.

Video links:

Shmoocon 2016

In an earlier post, I described the talk that Gus and I gave last month at Shmoocon, and linked to the slides. Videos for the whole conference are now online, including one of our talk, which highlights some practical, low-cost things that any software team can do to improve the user-experience design of their project.


Last week’s USENIX Enigma Conference had a great slate of speakers and we’ve heard some positive feedback about it on our Slack channel. Watching via YouTube, I particularly enjoyed hearing Adrienne Porter Felt talk about some of her team’s efforts to make security more accessible and useful for their users.