
photo of German newspapers

Simply Secure is partnering with the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) to develop their data platform, The site is probably the largest data archive in nonprofit investigative journalism, and it’s built on an open source tool that anyone can re-use. We are also working with OCCRP to re-build VIS, a network visualisation tool for investigators.

These tools need to be better, quicker, more precise. That’s why we, and OCCRP, want to take a step back and get some systematic feedback from investigators, journalists, and researchers. Whether you’re new to OCCRP’s tools or experienced with them, we would be grateful for the chance to talk to you about your processes and tools.

  • Do you work with data in a journalistic capacity – as a researcher, an investigator, a freelance journalist, or as part of a newsroom or news organization – or do you know somebody who does?
  • Do you have 30-60 minutes to donate in May or June for a conversation with Simply Secure? Interviews can be remote (using screen-sharing) or in person in Berlin or London. We can provide a small gift in exchange for your help.

If you can help, please contact SimplySecure’s researcher, Molly Wilson, at molly [ at ] superbloom [ dot ] design (PGP ID: 3427 2860 D066 35CB) by mid-June 2019.

Both Simply Secure and OCCRP are grateful for your feedback and help!