
Interested in Decentralization? Want to learn more about the last 5 years of Mozilla’s Fellowships & Awards Programs? Have a project you are stuck on and want to collaborate in a design sprint or get quick UX feedback? 

Over the next 2 weeks, Simply Secure will be hosting five sessions at the first virtual Mozilla Festival. If you’ll be there, we’d love to see you, learn about your work, and collaborate. Come join us!

You can register for MozFest here, and below are links to each of the sessions.

Zine-making: Explain Decentralization To Me

  • When: March 10 @ 12 - 1 PM EST; 6 - 7 PM CET
  • Decentralization means something different to everyone but what does it mean to you? Join the Decentralization Off The Shelf (DOTS) team in a search for meanings in the decentralized world through creativity and the art of zine-making. This workshop is suitable for designers, developers, learners, and anyone who is curious about how the world functions and wishes to tell their stories. The workshop consists of three parts: 1. DOTS interpretation of decentralization and a short introduction to zine-making 2. Zine-making: A collective interpretation of ‘decentralization’ and individual workspace 3. Online exhibition: Learning and sharing The workshop will be conducted via Figma and Zoom.

Pattern Library: When Designer Meets Developer

  • When: March 12 @ 12-1 PM EST; 6 - 7 P CET
  • Design does not hold the key to all the problems out there, but it might help unblock your “stuckness” and bring new perspectives. Take part in our speed-dating-like session where your decentralized tech problem might just find its perfect design-pattern match. To participate, please bring at least one problem that you are currently struggling with (it doesn’t have to be a technical one), wear a smile, and keep your mind wide open. The good thing is, unlike Tinder, the possibilities are endless. The session will be conducted via Zoom and Miro. It consists of three parts: 1. Check-in and Introduction 2. Problem-Pattern Matching 3. Sharing and Learning.

Fellowships & Awards Evaluation Community Workshop

  • When: March 16 @ 1-2pm EST; 6 - 7 PM CET
  • Starting in November 2020, Mozilla Foundation started an evaluation of the Fellowships and Awards programs with the support of Simply Secure. The evaluation seeks to understand the program’s strengths and challenges with the goal of improving their efficacy and impact. Community input and guidance is critical to this process, and so as part of the evaluation, we engaged past participants in the programs, funders, host organizations, community members and other stakeholders. At MozFest, we are excited to share some preliminary findings with the community and get feedback as we finalize outputs to share publicly. Please come and share your thoughts, reactions and ideas.

Design Sprint: Reimagining UX Patterns to address AI & Surveillance Capitalism harms 

  • When: March 17 @ 1-3pm EST; 6 -7 PM CET
  • Simply Secure and the broader Human Rights Centered Design (HRCD) Community would like to host a workshop / design sprint where we invite participants to workshop UX and design ideas in response to the everyday harms caused by AI and surveillance capitalism on internet platforms. At the workshop, participants will have the option of working alone or in groups on a variety of issue areas, e.g. consent, transparency, remediation experiences (e.g. in response to content moderation or online harassment issues) and many more! The session will be very generative with the goal being to create a final collaborative output of ideas to challenge the norms around current user experience patterns.

UX & Design Speed Dating Clinic

  • When: March 18 @ 2:15 - 3:15 PM EST; 7:15PM - 8:15 PM CET
  • Stuck on how to build or communicate a feature? Not sure how to get user feedback? Want to brainstorm some design alternatives for your tool or process? Thinking about how to engage users in your design process? Then this workshop is for you! In the session, participants will have the opportunity to meet with design and usability practitioners in the community. We will set up 10-15 minute “speed dating” time slots and allow participants to rotate through the presenters so that they can get feedback from multiple perspectives on whatever design and UX challenges they bring to share. Participants should bring something to share their work with the UX practitioners (an idea, a problem to work on, design sketches, a prototype, whatever stage you are at! etc), and will leave with feedback, designs, tools, strategies, and follow up opportunities to get support in their work.