
photo of viewer at beach

Happy New Year! For 2019, Simply Secure is trying something new. We iterated on our event series, Underexposed, and are bringing you the first Underexposed Residency in January 2019! Fellows from around the world will spend one week with the Simply Secure team focused on a project that they propose. Together, the cohort will use the residency to workshop their specific design challenge. Over the week they will have time for user research, independent work, lectures, critical discussions, design critiques and office hours with leaders in the field.

We are incredibly happy to have received over 50 excellent applications, and had a hard time selecting the small cohort for our pilot programme. It is with pride and pleasure that we are announcing our first cohort of Design Fellows today. They are:

  • Sarah Fox, Care & IoT
  • Dan Hassan & Mu, Dark Crystal
  • Alexander Morley,
  • Iohanna Nicenboim, Unpredictable Things
  • Soraya Okuda, HTTPS Everywhere
  • Tiffany Ou, Least Authority - GridSync
  • Valentina Pavel, Privacy & GDPR Tools
  • Stuart Schecter, Revisolution │ 2FA
  • Caroline Sinders, Ethical Mechanical Turk

We are extremely excited to spend the week with them and learn from one another. We are also thankful to our friends Bernard Tyers, Cade Diehm, Nasma Ahmed, Elio Qoshi, Anxhelo Lushka, Angel Lee, and Vincent Ahrend, for volunteering their time as mentors to the residency program. Special thanks also to our partners and sponsors, and everyone who donated on Open Collective – this event would be unthinkable without your support!

Follow us on Twitter to get the latest update from our week! #underexposed2019