
We’re headed to NYC next week for our annual Advisors’ Meeting. While we’re there we’re thrilled to be partnering with Dis Magazine to host Art, Design, and the Future of Privacy. If you’re in the area, please join us; the event is free and open to the public.

7:30pm, Thursday Sept 17

Pioneer Works, Brooklyn

Join cryptographers, critical theorists, architects, designers, sociologists, user experience researchers and other bright luminaries for a casual evening discussing privacy, the culture of technology, and possibilities for creative intervention in the age of ubiquitous digital tracking. The conversation will be rich, fun, and move from the stage to the audience to end the night with a party feeling and plenty of shared discussion.

Event flyer

Human rights meets design challenges Scout Sinclair Brody Scout discusses our collective obsession and fatigue with technology, and the rights and responsibilities of artists, designers, and clear-thinking technologists within this context. How can we all work to make technology better for us as individuals and as a society?

Digital Privacy IRL: Architecture, public space, and its role in preserving online rights Moderated by Ame Elliott Noah Biklen and Sarah Gold examine the role of built space, public space, and spatial metaphors in the preservation of privacy and digital rights.

If you build it they won’t care: Designing privacy-preserving technologies for people with other interests Moderated by Scout Sinclair Brody Tyler Reinhard, Ame Elliott, and Harlo Holmes discuss the deployment of “privacy-preserving technologies,” the role of design and critical engagement in this process, and the needed creative interventions that help these efforts resonate with the rest of us.

Ask a Prison Librarian about privacy, technology, and state control Cory Doctorow interviewing Sarah Ball Cory talks with Sarah about the lives of people in prison, the fraught conception of “the private individual”, and the intersection between human rights, state control, and privacy.

No, thank you: Agency, imagination, and possibilities for rejecting world-changing technological innovation Moderated by Meredith Whittaker Kate Crawford, Lauren McCarthy, and Allison Burtch examine the role of human-centered approaches and critical discourse in the conception “technology for social justice,” and speculate on the moves necessary to enable local communities (et. al) to reject globally celebrated “disruptions.”

Where to from here? Cory Doctorow Cory closes the evening with hopeful practicalities. Where can we direct our attention if we value privacy, have views on technology, and want to build more creative and relevant interventions?