
Two years ago, Simply Secure asked our community for feedback about how our brand and name communicate our identity. The results of the survey were conclusive: We had outgrown our name, and our branding was too playful for our mission. We needed a new approach to reflect the serious work that we do.

So we launched a co-design process—what we called a brand refresh.

We organized a community identity committee to explore, grow, and design our new name and branding. Through interviews, workshops, and creative iterations, we landed on a direction that conveys the breadth of our current work, as well as our values, practice, and growth.

Allow us to introduce:

Superbloom: Changing Who Technology Serves. 

Superbloom leverages design as a transformative practice to shift power in the tech ecosystem. We view design as an intervention opportunity to center people and their needs. We closely collaborate with others in the space to grow a community focused on shaping our collective online future. 

Our vision is a world where everyone has the knowledge, network, and digital tools needed to enrich their lives.

In the spirit of championing human-centered design, we’re aiming to make the transition from Simply Secure to Superbloom as seamless as possible. Our new website - to be launched soon - will feature all of our projects, along with an easy-to-use Resource Library. Check out our transition site in the meantime.

The world is changing. As we increasingly shift our lives online, there are more threats than ever to digital security. But those threats create opportunities for us to collaborate around thoughtful, purposeful, responsible design. 

A superbloom is a rare event, when long-dormant wildflower seeds bloom together to transform a harsh landscape with renewed energy and resilience. We believe technology design is at a Superbloom inflection point, and we’re excited to be shaping it into a beautiful future.