Pooja Channaveerappa
Coach *

Pooja is an aerospace and hardware design engineer dedicated to pushing the boundaries of sustainable innovation in both technology and entrepreneurship. She is one of the founding team members of Pocket Reform, a novel open hardware, modular, and customizable pocket computer. This project achieved a successful crowdfunding campaign in early 2023. She applied her expertise in user-centric design, rapid prototyping, and circular design in the early stages of developing this sustainable electronic device.
In addition to her contributions to Pocket Reform, Pooja has been involved in the development of other sustainable consumer products, all designed to empower users by offering repairability and enhanced autonomy. She herself was a recipient of the Prototype Fund in 2017 while developing an open-source platform for sex education. Beyond product innovation, her expertise extends to hydraulic technologies for aerospace applications. Pooja is also an experienced facilitator and coach for product innovation and team development in both established corporations and young startups. She is committed to supporting user sovereignty in design and sustainable innovation with all her capacities.